PE2 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE2 9 is a postcode sector in Peterborough, UK. Below is a complete list of PE2 9 Postcodes (Active). PE2 9 postcode sector comprises of 195 active postcodes. PE2 9 sector has a population of 9979, and it has 4284 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE2 9 postcode sector

PE2 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9979
Addresses / Property Count 4284
Active Postcodes 195
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of PE2 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 195 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE2 9AB 52.56361000 -0.24621700 1 5 518976 297642
PE2 9AE 52.56444100 -0.24894300 36 78 518789 297730
PE2 9AG 52.56414000 -0.24798200 14 30 518855 297698
PE2 9AH 52.56327800 -0.24873900 4 14 518806 297601
PE2 9AJ 52.56276800 -0.24946800 20 41 518758 297543
PE2 9AL 52.56197600 -0.24882000 62 154 518804 297456
PE2 9AN 52.56288500 -0.24648200 55 128 518960 297561
PE2 9AP 52.56360800 -0.24428500 70 122 519107 297645
PE2 9AQ 52.56410100 -0.24723000 13 24 518906 297695
PE2 9AR 52.56355500 -0.24920000 18 35 518774 297631
PE2 9AS 52.56496700 -0.24741700 38 66 518891 297791
PE2 9AT 52.56443600 -0.24737900 34 114 518895 297732
PE2 9AW 52.56311300 -0.24669400 29 55 518945 297586
PE2 9BA 52.56240600 -0.24448000 12 26 519097 297511
PE2 9BB 52.56215800 -0.24410600 14 33 519123 297484
PE2 9BE 52.56217400 -0.24341200 10 18 519170 297487
PE2 9BF 52.56112500 -0.25940200 N/A N/A 518089 297344
PE2 9BH 52.56235800 -0.24609000 35 89 518988 297503
PE2 9BJ 52.56202900 -0.24756400 27 62 518889 297464
PE2 9BL 52.56159100 -0.24644600 16 33 518966 297417
PE2 9BN 52.56192800 -0.24560600 2 3 519022 297456
PE2 9BP 52.56189900 -0.24488400 7 21 519071 297454
PE2 9BQ 52.56318700 -0.25353700 N/A N/A 518481 297583
PE2 9BS 52.56105800 -0.24515400 5 11 519055 297360
PE2 9BT 52.56095700 -0.24623500 18 23 518982 297347
PE2 9BU 52.56110300 -0.24811800 35 81 518854 297360
PE2 9BX 52.56088700 -0.24809700 37 76 518856 297336
PE2 9BY 52.55992300 -0.24736800 27 54 518908 297230
PE2 9BZ 52.56008000 -0.24590100 20 36 519007 297250
PE2 9DA 52.56039500 -0.24832200 29 71 518842 297281
PE2 9DB 52.55944900 -0.24633900 27 65 518979 297179
PE2 9DD 52.55907800 -0.24802100 12 25 518866 297135
PE2 9DE 52.56156100 -0.24995800 42 95 518728 297408
PE2 9DF 52.56179100 -0.25030300 58 142 518704 297433
PE2 9DG 52.56427700 -0.25001200 34 67 518717 297710
PE2 9DH 52.56391000 -0.25134000 N/A N/A 518628 297667
PE2 9DJ 52.56009200 -0.24973600 12 16 518747 297245
PE2 9DN 52.56071900 -0.24409000 33 81 519128 297324
PE2 9DP 52.55846400 -0.24965300 12 32 518757 297064
PE2 9DQ 52.56414700 -0.24975200 39 84 518735 297696
PE2 9DR 52.55842600 -0.24896100 8 22 518804 297061
PE2 9DS 52.55543900 -0.24878500 31 50 518824 296729
PE2 9DT 52.55117700 -0.24933900 38 91 518798 296254
PE2 9DU 52.55650400 -0.24968700 23 56 518760 296846
PE2 9DW 52.55857700 -0.24457400 54 114 519101 297085
PE2 9DX 52.55797300 -0.24747500 17 44 518906 297013
PE2 9DZ 52.55858000 -0.24779000 29 64 518883 297080
PE2 9EA 52.55633000 -0.24762900 73 163 518900 296830
PE2 9EB 52.55619200 -0.24683800 16 36 518954 296816
PE2 9ED 52.55580500 -0.24676500 26 61 518960 296773
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